Sunday, December 17, 2006


Well howdy, bloggers and bloggetts. Hopefully I'll be adding something to the cosmos of the Internet that is helpful and/or meaningful. There is so much excellent material available, that it
becomes truly difficult to pick and choose. I'll be writing from a conservative/christian point of
view. I'm convinced that a true Christian perspective will always be "conservative"; i.e. I don't know how a modern day "liberal" could possibly be a Christian and support abortion, gay marriage etc. These things are clearly against scripture and natural revelation as well. Scripture (the bible) is absolute truth in a world of utter foolishness, it is a perfect moral guide in an imperfect world. So, I'll begin at the beginning and see what comes out. I am truly concerned about the world we are leaving to our children, and the direction this country will take. We are facing forces of utter depravity, seeking to impose on all humanity a twisted and perverted form of religious dogma. Christians seek to bring peace to the human soul by a reconciliation with God through Jesus Christ and His finished work on the Cross. There have been periods when Christian Sects (not new testament believers) sought to impose a theocratic rule on the world, through any means possible, but the new testament church, "Born again believers" if you will, would never use militant, political or any other means beyond the "Gospel" to try and reach a fallen and darkened world. That is not to say we pay no attention to politics and desire true Christian men and women as Representatives, judges, policemen and on and on in any and all civil posts, but not by imposition. You cannot conform a rebellious and godless nation or people by imposition of Gods' laws, they would only rebel further. It must be the desire of the heart.

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